ORANGE COUNTY’s Superbowl Celebration. Will sell out at 5000. Pick to run/walk a 5k or the HALF CRAZY MARATHON. (Be either Crazy about Half’s or half crazy enough to try
Event Details
ORANGE COUNTY’s Superbowl Celebration. Will sell out at 5000. Pick to run/walk a 5k or the HALF CRAZY MARATHON. (Be either Crazy about Half’s or half crazy enough to try one!)
Custom event T-Shirts
Professionally chipped timed
Custom cast finisher medals
Age division awards
Run into the chutes under the team of your choice. Prepare your bodies to handle chips and a ball game the following weekend and KICK OFF THE SUPERBOWL PRE WEEK with this spirited run
Plenty of parking, plenty of refreshments, and plenty of football theme.
Coupons for 6 packs will be randomly raffled to finishers over the age of 21. Plus random bags of chips and salsa. Get ready for the BIG GAME in a healthy way!!