Rabbit Run & OC Challenge 5K
Irvine15% OFF
Use the code “RaceGrader15” to take 15% OFF registration!
Join us for the Rabbit Run 5K (Fun Run) and Orange County Challenge 5K. Starts and finishes at Jeffrey Trail Middle School. Both events offer a super flat and fast course on the paved running. For the serious runner, the OC Challenge 5K Run offers top three overall trophies and loads of age division awards. And the Rabbit Run 5K Run/Walk is fun for the entire family. Enjoy the super fun egg hunt along the course, picking up a prize at each station.
- PRIZE MONEY to top three male/female overall. $100/$75/$50.
- Age Division awards. 3 deep. 5 year age spans Overall Masters Male/ Female trophy.
- Overall Fastest Orange County Resident Male/female
- Top three fastest CLUBS ( 4 fastest times combined)